Perhaps it is the company I keep or the great big flashing beacon screaming, “WE HOMESCHOOL! IT IS AWESOME!!” But for one reason or another, homeschooling is certainly surrounding me as the hot topic right now.
I’ve gotta say… I love it.
Whether you homeschool already, you are considering homeschooling, you might think about it down the road, or even if you are not considering homeschooling but have little ones, I have a great resource for you today.
This resource is all about everyday learning activities. I am talking about activities found naturally within a day that are FULL of learning. They emerge entirely on their own; we just need to slow down to see them.
This mini ebook is called 20 Deep Learning Activities Found in Everyday Life.
As I was writing Kindergarten at Home, I kept mentioning little things we can do throughout a typical day with our little ones outside of structured, planned activities that are loaded with natural learning.
Things that we already do every week, that when we slow down to include our little ones, will provide them with SO many learning opportunities.
Let’s look at something as simple as making a grocery list.
This is, of course, full of literacy learning. It can also be full of sorting (by aisle/department or by food group). We can also introduce the idea of price rounding to get an approximate running total of our groceries. We can set a budget that we need to stick to, working on some big math concepts. We can add in some flyers or coupons, developing both literacy and numeracy at once. I mean, once you stop to really think about a task, you can see SO MANY opportunities for learning!
Now you might think, “My goodness, this would take half a day!!” Yes, it definitely could. But think about that day. Your child would be immersed in huge learning, real-life learning, right beside you simply because you took the time to slow down and allow your child into your world. Now we move right into that connection parenting, and we are building relationships.
Pretty remarkable, right?
So I bring you my mini ebook, 20 Deep Learning Activities Found in Everyday Life, full of ideas like that. I hope they are helpful to you and your little ones. You can download your free copy right here:
Homeschool Support and Curriculum
If you would like more information about the homeschooling support and curriculum I provide, please check out:
Playful Days Toddler Program (Ages 1.5 to 3)
Playful Days provides your little one with a beautiful foundation—and just the right amount of structure for those long days at home. Enjoy a daily activity with your toddler while exploring the world through seven playful themes.
Play into Kindergarten Readiness (Ages 3 to 5)
Play into Kindergarten Readiness includes 28 weeks of daily activities to enjoy with your little one. You will cover all fundamental preschool skills through 20 minutes of play a day, including literacy, numeracy, fine and gross motor skills, and social and emotional wellness.
Kindergarten at Home (Ages 4 to 6)
Kindergarten at Home is your complete 36-week Kindergarten Curriculum. Each week, you have three mornings with planned activities—these are the core skills. The rest of the week is comprised of deep learning and quality time with your child making art, cooking together, exploring books, and singing songs. Plus some quiet, independent play to give you both a rest.
You can also find Grade School Curriculum for ages 6 to 9 in my shop, as well as an ever-growing collection of Family Unit Studies, perfect for ages 6 to 12!
Any questions at all, I am just an email away! I hope you love your copy of my newest mini eBook. Thank you so much for reading, sweet friend!
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