If you have been around here for awhile you may recall our brush with Mother Nature last year. A great big brush. Actually more of a crack. Lighting struck one of our great big trees during a thunderstorm last summer. No one was hurt, and no property damage was done, and all-in-all it was quite…
Pole Bean Teepee {A Photo on Friday}
A photo on Friday, because sometimes all you need is the picture. (But I have a little story this Friday too …) Last year I shared a snap pea trellis fort I had made in the garden for my little ones. Not all of my ideas are fabulous (or in fact even good) and unfortunately…
A Portable Sandbox
Why this did not occur to me sooner I have no idea … I have had a game changing discovery — are you ready for it? A sandbox on wheels. Seems simple (which is actually beautiful) but think of the possibilities! I wrote all about it for Melissa and Doug – trust me friends, you…
15 Fun Things to Do in the Snow!
I love the winter – but I haven’t always. Truthfully, I use to really dislike it. REALLY. But, I love the outdoors and I love having my kids outside. And where I live we have snow for a good 5 months of the year, which is a very long time to dislike something. So a…
Frozen Hats {A Photo on Friday}
A photo on Friday, because sometimes all you need is the picture. And this is a cute one. This is how a two year old looks when wearing a frozen hat … We made frozen hats by popping a wet sun hat in the freezer. We used hats that the boys had been wearing after…
A Pea Trellis Fort
These little ones of mine do love their forts. And in the garden, their very most favourite thing to eat is the snap peas. So I thought that combining the two was just the thing to do! Sounds simple enough, except for the fact that my forts generally fall down quickly. And except for the…
Childhood is Not a Race {Printable Poster}
I thought I would try something a little different today. A printable poster for you! This poster should print perfectly onto an 8.5 x 11 standard piece of paper, just click the link below. Please let me know if you have any problems, otherwise print away! Thank you for helping to spread the word. There…
Clothespins Outside {A Photo on Friday}
A photo on Friday, because sometimes all you need is the picture. This photo on Friday is sort of more an idea on Friday. Bring some clothespins outside! As I am hanging my laundry on the line my little ones clip clothespins to the highest tree leaves they can. They also try to pick up…
Exploring Our Woods
‘Just’ a Nature Walk
Yesterday Sammy and I met some friends and went for ‘just’ a nature walk. I did not have any learning activities planned. I did not bring a clipboard, magnifying glasses, or even a basket. We went for ‘just’ a nature walk. And oh the learning that took place! We met 3 other Mama’s with their…