I will not talk to you about the weather we have been having. I will spare you my complaining, and there are really no words anyway. It is not cold or even frigid. I don’t think we have a word in the English language for this kind of weather.
That being said, I have muttered a time or two over the past week that it has NEVER been this cold in my lifetime. Apparently, I just realized, it has. Last year in fact. I know this because of a blog post I wrote last year at this time.
Perhaps this Canadian weather is sort of like child birth to me. In the moment I feel as though it is hell on Earth, but once it is over I recall it as not all that bad. Crazy. But I suppose that is why I continue to live in beautiful Canada. And have beautiful babies.
We brought some snow inside to play with over the weekend, due to the there-is-no-word-for-it temperature outside, and I remembered this guest post I wrote for Fantastic Fun and Learning last year!
You can read my whole post over there (Indoor Snow Activity: Snowball Faces)
We had a lot of fun making snowballs faces with markers again on the weekend. So simple, but a nice way to add in some art and fine motor development while playing with snow.
Thought I should share it here, as the cold weather seems to be very wide spread and I assume there are a few Mama’s out there looking for some indoor snowy activities.
Hope you are all managing to stay warm! Thank you for reading!
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