Do your kids enjoy crafts? Have they ever wanted to earn some money? Even better, have they ever considered starting their own business? I have some fantastic crafts for selling ideas that kids can create as a fun and engaging way to kick off their very own business. Crafts for Selling: 10 Fun and Creative…
Arts and Crafts for Kids
Today, I thought I would share one of the biggest resources that has ever been created for you. This post contains enough arts and crafts ideas to get you through the summer, fall, winter, spring… and many more rounds after that! I decided to have this resource include both art ideas AND craft ideas. The…
Construction Paper Crafts for Kids to Make
If there is one thing I keep repeating around here, it is my love for keeping things simple. Simple crafts and activities keep things fun and stress-free for me and my littles. Construction paper crafts definitely fit the bill. Construction paper is one of the most basic of basic craft supplies. It is available in…
Rock Crafts: Fun Things for Kids to Make and Do!
Rocks are an abundant material that lend itself well to a number of craft projects and activities that are perfect for children. In this post you will find many great ideas to inspire you and your kids to get creative, have fun and learn with rocks – now doesn’t that ROCK?! There are so many…
A Wonderfully Messy Sandcastle Craft
With summer just around the corner, I can’t help but dream about the hot sun and the sand at our feet. Since we are not quite ready to head to the beach, I thought what fun it would be to pretend and make a sandcastle craft! Sandcastle building can get messy so why shouldn’t this…
Easter Egg Craft with Mess-Free Sensory Play
Spring you guys!! Spring is just around the corner. The air is fresh, the weather is turning mild, the snow is MELTING! It feels so spring-like we decided to start some Easter egg crafts yesterday. Sensory play is always a fun addition to a crafting project – and this sensory addition is fairly mess-free too….
Awesome Bracelets for Kids to Make
Making bracelets is really a staple in any childhood, isn’t it? I know I spent hours and hours creating DIY bracelets of every kind when I was a kid. My friends and I even set up a bracelet stand one summer, selling our creations to the neighbourhood! I wanted to find some simple bracelets my…
The Easiest Kid-Made Movies!
I am excited to partner with Wikki Stix to bring you this post that gets kids creating and making! Goodness how easy it is to fall into the rhythm of just a little too much TV and screens in the summertime. A show or two in the morning in jammies, maybe another after some time…
Messy Art Activities for Kids
There is just something about Spring that gets me in the mood to let the kids get really messy. Perhaps it is the fact that we can now do art outside. Or maybe it is the fact that the warm spring sun has melted the ice from my mind and I can think clearly. Because…