I first did this watermelon-themed activity with Sammy when he was learning his letters eight (eight!!!) years ago. Now that little Norah is ready to learn letters (and with summertime officially arriving this weekâwoohoo!), it’s the perfect time for another go. In fact, this summer will be sprinkled with all sorts of fun literacy activities…
Can You Build a Tower Worth 23?
I find numbers and math in general super fascinating. There, it’s been said. It’s out of the bag. I am a bit of a numbers-nerd. But they are very cool – how they all fit and work together. I love introducing my little ones to some of these neat math concepts. Pretty big concepts really,…
43 Quiet Time Activities for 2 Year Olds
You asked for it! Or at least one of you asked for Quiet Time activities for 2-year-olds, and I am always happy to help! Even though it might take me just a little while to get the post together (if you can classify 3 weeks as just a little while … please do, you kind…
Quiet Time Alphabet Activities
Is there anything better than quiet time activities? Nope. Not really. A great quiet time activity with an alphabet activities educational twist? Hmm – that is a little better! Throw in a quiet coffee for Mama and you are living the dream … You know we adore our quiet time activities around here. But did…
Paper Chain Jewellery Quiet Bin
A photo on Friday — and better yet, a Quiet Bin Idea photo! (To complement my eBook A Year of Educational Quiet Bins). We are still loving (loving) our quiet bins. This is one of our newer ones, tiny strips of paper with some tape for making paper chain necklaces, bracelets, and rings. What do…
5 Busy Bags with ANY Deck of Cards
Oh Busy bags! You just have to love them! Though I really don’t love the name, to be honest. Busy bags sound to me like they are about keeping kids busy. While that is all well and fine (and certainly can serve a purpose), I prefer to think of them as quiet time activities. Quiet…
Building Pictures
Do you know what I have been loving once again? Our quiet bins. I had honestly not been utilising them to their full potential for a few months with Sam. He has just turned 8 and I thought he was getting kind of big for them. He likes to read, draw, or look at his…
Teaching Numbers with Quiet Time Activities
Settling back into a routine after the holidays? We sure are – hence all of the quiet time activities you are seeing… Adding in a quiet time to our afternoons has completely transformed our days. My little ones rest and unwind allowing them to enjoy the rest of our day. I have been working on…
How to use Quiet Bins in the Classroom
Happy Friday! We have officially survived our first week of homeschooling. All of us. And Madeline has survived her first week of High School! I did not set my hopes too high and I am very, very happy with survival. Onward and upward! Our days at home are quite lovely right now, with one small…
Dollarstore Quiet Bins: 9 Dollarstore Items, 30 Brilliant Quiet Bins!
Yay!! I am so glad you are here. Do I have something that is going to rock your world! This is how to make 30 Quiet Bins for $9!! You love the idea of quiet time (what Mama doesn’t?), but you don’t want to spend hours setting up that quiet time (what Mama does?) —…