Crafts that involve wood, hammer, and nails are always (always) a hit around here. So I am always on the lookout for a fun and creative woodworking craft for my kids. I was browsing through Pinterest when I saw these cute woodworking hedgehogs by Vszell—simple and perfect for little hands. I popped over to the website…
Incredible Woodworking Projects for Handy Kids!
Do you have a handy kid? All of my little ones amaze me with what they are capable of (when I give them the opportunity to show me, that is). And woodworking projects are no exception! Madeline didn’t have too many opportunities when she was little, I’m afraid to say. I cringed with the idea…
Stump and Nails Geoboard
I am always, always cold. I also hardly ever, ever wear socks. The combination of these two competing forces means that come winter we best have a lot of firewood. The conversation about how much firewood we should have always goes something like this: “I think 6 cords really would be enough. The neighbours have…
The Nuts and Bolts of Learning with Tools
Last weekend, the kids made birdhouses. ‘Real’ birdhouses with hammers, nails, and saws. I have been holding on to that post to publish on a day when my skin is particularly thick, because I know I will receive some comments about letting my toddler use a hammer. But we do. We let our kids build…