We were up North visiting family for the weekend and I felt quite like my Mother. My Mom would always (always) be knitting away when we went on long car rides, and this car ride I was doing just that.
Now, there is one humongous difference of course. My Mom is an experienced and excellent knitter. I, on the other hand, struggle.
My Mom taught me to knit when I was young, but I hadn’t picked it up again until last winter. And last winter wasn’t too successful. But I am at it again!
I found the cutest little knitting project that is so, so simple to make. This sweet little bunny was made from just one single square of knitting.
I used 20 stitches and this little bunny turned out a great size for little hands to hold and snuggle.
I first shared this sweet knitting project a few weeks ago when I wrote about 20 simple knitting projects for kids. The instructions for this sweet little bunny can be found right here on Jo So and Sew.
Honest to goodness if you can knit a square, you can make this cute bunny in no time at all!
I made this little bunny in one evening and I am going to teach my Sam to make them too. He is 6 and can knit quite confidently now. I think this will be a great knitting project for him as they knit up so quickly and they are very sweet. I am thinking they will make fabulous homemade Christmas gifts.
It is hard to believe it is time to get to that crafting already. I just love Christmas and I am so excited to share all of the gift making with my little ones now that they are getting a bit bigger. We try hard to make a lot of gifts – soaps, lotions, little gnomes and toys, and now we can add a few bunnies and some other knitted goodies too.
What do you like to give as homemade gifts over the holidays? I would love some new ideas.
Thank you so much for reading friends, I hope you have a lovely week.
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