With a few new babes in the world, and some friends now Mamas, I thought I would update this post on our favourite action songs for babies!
Songs for babies are simple, fun, and oh so educational! Action songs for babies – even more so! My Benjamin just loves these songs – I hope your wee ones will too.
I wanted to share 4 of our favourite action songs. They are simple, and can turn fussy moments quickly into fun moments. These songs are also great for waiting in lines, or at the doctors – as long as you are not too shy (or have an 11 year old daughter who is mortified by her mother singing in public)
1. Baby Songs : Bumping up and Down in My Little Red Wagon
This one is probably my Benjamin’s very favourite song at the moment. He sits on my lap facing me and I bump my knees up and down singing,
“Bumping up and down in my little red wagon,
Bumping up and down in my little red wagon,
Bumping up and down in my little red wagon,
Won’t you be my darling?”
Then I drop one leg flat, sitting him on just one knee and bump him bumpier (like this)
And sing, “One wheel’s off and the axle’s broken,
One wheel’s off and the axle’s broken,
One wheel’s off and the axle’s broken,
Won’t you be my darling?”
2. The Grand Ole Duke of York
This one is fun for your baby and an amazing arm work out for you!
“The Grand Ole Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men,
He marched them up to the top of the hill:
And Marched them down again:
And when they were up they were up (hold babe up)
And when they were down they were down (lower babe down)
And when they were only half way up:
They were neither up (up again – you can do it!) or down (lower babe down)
3. Roly Poly
This rhyme/song is excellent for even the wee-est of babes. It is a great time to gently stretch their little muscles and introduce opposite words too. When you say ‘Roly Poly’ you can gently roll babes arms
“Roly Poly, Roly Poly, In, In, In:
Roly Poly, Roly Poly, Out, Out, Out
Roly Poly, Roly Poly, Up, Up, Up
Roly Poly, Roly Poly, down, down down
Roly Poly, Roly Poly, I love you (with a kiss)
4. This is the Way We Ride
This is my Sammy’s absolute favourite action song from when he was a baby – and he still loves it. The words are rather gender stereotyped, so feel free to get creative – we change them to all sorts of things! But here is (what I think might be!) the original:
Put babe on your foot like so:
“This is the way the ladies ride, clippity clop, clippity clop (slowly bringing your foot up and down)
This is the way the gentlemen ride, clippity clop, clippity clop (a bit faster and higher with your foot)
This is the way the cowboys ride, clippity clop, clippity clop (very high and bouncy)!
Songs for babies are a great way to add some fun and learning into every day. Songs can introduce knew words, rhyming sounds, pitch, and rhythm.
Action songs for babies are an excellent way to accomplish these learning goals, as they are sure to hold your babies attention.
You might also like these ideas for playing with your baby:
A Year of Educational Quiet Bins
50 Learning activities for Baby
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Becky Spence says
I actually sat down to write a post very similar to this one tonight! 🙂 We also like “Ride Little Pony” a lot! Pinning this one. 🙂
Sarah says
Please come back to share when you do! We love songs like this and are always looking for more Becky!
Beth says
I remember my mom doing the last one with me. For the verse with the ladies, I would ride side saddle (the way women rode when they were wearing dresses). On the verse with the gentleman, I would ride with one leg on each side; and for the farmer, we would bounce up and down decidedly faster (farmers have places to be!). I do it the same way with my son now, and he loves it!
Sarah says
Oh I love that version! I will have to surprise my little ones with this twist – thank you for sharing.
Diana Burress says
I was wondering what is the Garden Song? I noticed it was listed in a previous post. I just attended an Early Childhood Conference in Indy and they mentioned this song or fingerplay. This is one that I haven’t heard of . Would love to know the words. So appropriate for Spring.
Thanks in advance, Diana P.S. I love your site and ideas are FUNTABULOUS!!!!
Sarah says
Hi Diana, Thank you for taking the time to comment! I would love to help you out — but I can’t seem to find where I mentioned the Garden Song? Do you know which post? And thank you for your kind words – you made my day!