You know how parenting can be really tough sometimes? Like, super tough? Or maybe you haven’t gotten to that part yet. But you will, sweet friend, oh yes—you will. So, what to do when this happens… Affirmations for Kids!
This is my newest parenting strategy that I have added to my arsenal of 20 years of building parenting strategies. And it is a great one!
Why Use Affirmations for Kids?
Here is the logic. We know that our children have golden, good hearts. Sometimes they are just buried deep down there—you know, sometimes quite deep down there. Like waaaay down. But they are there.
We know it is helpful for us to remind them of those golden hearts. But even more powerful? Having them remind themselves!
If you have been here for a while, you might know that we have a live-in Child Psychologist here. My husband gets LOADS of real-life practice here at home with us. The affirmations idea was all his and something I totally got behind.
Instead of focusing on the bad, or focusing on the wrong, we do a quick correction as needed, and then try so hard to focus on the good. We can’t really learn in the heat of the moment, so instead, we do all of that character development teaching NOT in the heat of the moment. Instead, we do it each and every morning by reading affirmations.
These affirmations are a part of a workbook John and I created together called Raising Kind, Caring, Good Kids. We created this workbook after some particularly trying times in our own home. Times when some of our little ones were not exuding kindness, caring, or goodness. Nope, they were definitely exuding things, but it was not those pleasant characteristics!
Our workbook focuses on these affirmations and one more golden parenting strategy I have in my parenting skills arsenal—using stories to teach!
Each affirmation is accompanied with a sweet little story about a character who has gotten themselves into a social dilemma of sorts. Using the story as a guide, the workbook walks our little ones through the character’s dilemma, helping them to point that character in the right direction.
It is amazing how the same exact child who just broke something and lied about it can share with you what a character should have done if in that exact same situation. Just saying.
Finally, the workbook includes a spot for you to record your child demonstrating each affirmation. You know, that whole idea of “catching them being good” really holds true.
You can grab a Free Sample of Raising Kind, Caring, Good Kids, and a free sample of an affirmation card, right here:
Character-Building Affirmations for Kids
Within that sample you will hear the story of Graham the Gracious Gorilla and see the activities and affirmations associated with him. Now, without further ado, let me share with you a peek at all 8 Affirmations for Kids! I hope you and yours enjoy them and read them aloud together each day with pride!
Now, one final tip from me: Try really hard to ONLY point out when your child IS displaying the trait! This was a really tricky one for me, and I caught myself doing the opposite many times before I realized what I was doing: “That isn’t very GRACIOUS, is it now?” “Is that the HONEST answer?” Doing this makes the affirmations feel like they are not part of your child, which is exactly the opposite of what we are trying to do. Instead, only point them out when your child IS doing it!
I will, however, point out when I am not exuding those traits, just to show my children that we all need to practice these things and none of us have it down perfectly. It is okay not to show perfect character all of the time! The important thing is that we try.
At least, I think that is the most important thing. I would check with my resident expert, but I don’t want it to go to his head. I mean, we already created a workbook out of his affirmations idea and all.
Is that gracious of me? Kind? Ummmm…
Yes, all that matters is that we try.
Give your little one the tools to become the very best version of themselves. Get Raising Kind, Caring, Good Kids right here:
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