If there is one thing I like more than a good STEM challenge, it’s a STEM challenge in nature! In school I have used the penny boat challenge but in this beautiful weather no one wanted to be inside. So, I said to my two boys, “Let’s get outside and play!” As I am currently…
Spring Activities for Preschoolers
It’s official – birds. We were outside yesterday and we heard BIRDS! It is time to bring on the spring activities for preschoolers! Given, we are still currently buried in snow, but it is coming. So while we are awaiting springs actual arrival, we are going to pretend it is actually spring time inside. Want…
Garden Fun: Teaching Kids to Grow their Own Food
The snow is officially done here in Ontario (I hope you are listening Mother Nature – we are officially done … please). And this means it is time for some fun in the garden with my kids! Over the last few years I have really taken to vegetable gardening. I am far, far, far from…
Gorgeous and Inviting Outdoor Play Spaces
Spring is almost here — time to wake up from my hibernation and get these little cubs of mine outside! The warm sunshine never fails to make me want to spruce up our outdoor play spaces. We like to keep outdoor play, well, natural I suppose. So when I am planning outdoor play spaces for…
Outdoor Fall Activities for Preschoolers
I am not so sure that I have EVER been this excited for Fall. You may have heard me say before how I am trying to embrace each season for what it is. Enjoy the weather and activities that come with each season, and all that good stuff. But I am done. with. summer. It…
Outdoor Birthday Party Ideas
We celebrated a great big birthday recently! For Sam’s birthday party this year he wanted an outdoor birthday party — “Outdoor the whole entire time!” Perfect, because the only thing I love more than a house full of little ones, is a yard full of them! I had so much fun coming up with outdoor…
Egg-cellent Easter Egg Hunt Ideas!
You know how sometimes you do the same thing, year after year, just because it is what you have always done, year after year? That might sound deep – but it’s not. I’m just talking about Easter Egg Hunts. I pride myself in being creative and original. I love coming up with cool ideas for…
Sports Themed Learning Games!
As I’ve mentioned before, my Ben is quite the sports enthusiast. So, I thought I better get prepared with some preschool sports theme activities. Turns out there were a LOT to be found. Seems like oodles of people are teaching little ones based on their interests—how awesome is that! Through homeschooling my little ones, I…
Making a Splash with Origami Boats
It all started so innocently. One paper hat. One single, little paper hat. How was I to know that an origami epidemic was about to happen? It turns out origami is a rather addictive type of paper craft for kids. One hat turns into many, which turn into planes, frogs, and boats too. (post contains…
Raising a Wild Child
My kids are actually very well behaved. They are calm, kind, and inquisitive – as long as they are outdoors. Put some walls around those boys of mine and sooner than later they will start to bounce off them. This will change with time of course, as they get older. But for now? I’m raising…