In today’s fast-paced world, children are often faced with stress and anxiety, whether it’s from school pressures, social dynamics, or extracurricular activities. Teaching kids effective tools for managing their emotions and stress levels is crucial for their overall well-being and development. One of the simplest yet most powerful tools available is mindful breathing! This week,…
How to Use Affirmations | Raising Kind, Caring, Good Kids
Parenting can be tough! We all have our good and not-so-good days—or, in most cases, our good and not-so-good hours. It is totally normal! I’m not saying that makes it any easier, but sometimes it’s nice to know we are not alone. We can all use a little support on this parenting journey. I am…
10 Books About the Human Body for Kids
Organs, bones, bodily systems, staying healthy… there is so much to learn about The Human Body! If you have a little one who is fascinated by The Human Body and everything there is to learn, have I got a list for you! A book list, that is—10 amazing books covering a wide variety of Human…
Mellow Mindfulness Activities for Kids
Something we are focusing on in our homeschool (well, our home in general) is increasing our mindfulness. Today, I am going to share with you a few of my favorite go-to, basically prep-free, mindfulness activities for kids! Why is mindfulness important for children? But first, what is mindfulness, and why is it important for children?…
Take Your Time…
A good friend told me she is working on strengthening one parenting skill every month. I found that pretty admirable. And while things often seem like sunshine and butterflies in this space, there are many parenting skills I could strengthen. ‘Many’ is probably not the right word… loads? Plenty? Let’s just stick with many; it…
Ridiculously FUN Race Ideas for Kids
If there is one thing I know about us – and by ‘us’ I mean you, me, and the other fabulous Mamas in this space – it is that we have active kids! Wonderfully busy little people who love to run, jump, and play. This active nature is truly a beautiful thing – but sometimes…
Garden Fun: Teaching Kids to Grow their Own Food
The snow is officially done here in Ontario (I hope you are listening Mother Nature – we are officially done … please). And this means it is time for some fun in the garden with my kids! Over the last few years I have really taken to vegetable gardening. I am far, far, far from…
8 Awesomely FUN Trampoline Games
We were hesitant to purchase a trampoline. My boys are rather rowdy, and one little one tends to be a bit accident prone, making me think twice about a trampoline. Or three times. Even four. By the fifth thought, and a lot of convincing and promises of safety, we found ourselves owning a trampoline. The…
The Best Casseroles to Gift a Friend
While it appears that things have been smooth sailing over here this past month (thanks to the magic of writing and scheduling ahead of time) the truth is my family and I have been struggling. More than struggling. In fact, we have been through Hell. Almost exactly one month ago we lost our baby. The…
How to Stay Healthy in the Winter
Winter is in full swing for many of us. This also means more germs and viruses floating around. Many people find themselves getting at least one bad cold or flu bug each winter season. If you also have little children, those germs can seem like they multiply much more quickly! Thankfully, there are lots of…