Don’t you just love sweet homemade Halloween costumes? I was perusing Pinterest, as I have been known to do a time or two (hundred), and kept finding these adorable DIY costumes that I thought were perfect for this nature-loving Mama and her little free spirits. Since I know so many of you also fall into…
A Pumpkin Pinwheel
Did you know that I am afraid of horses? Well, maybe not afraid, but I am definitely nervous around them. They are so humongous! Once, I was at a horseback riding camp when I was little and I got stepped on. My toe was purple for years and years! A purple toe for years and…
The Ultimate No Cook Playdough Recipe
Sometimes it is fabulous to have a trick or two up your sleeve for when you need a quick craft or activity to save the day. My ULTIMATE, Easy, No Cook Playdough Recipe is definitely one trick that needs to be up there friends. Five minutes to make, and lasts for 6 months! I am…
Maria’s Sourdough Bread Recipe
I have always, always dreamed of living in the country. When this dream came true about 6 years ago, imagine my surprise when I moved in next to Martha Stewart! Not the real Martha Stewart of course, an even more divine version. My Martha is named Maria, and my goodness, she is the epitome of…
Our Current Homeschooling Schedule
Alright friends. Let the Quarantine writing begin! I am challenging myself to write on my blog each and every day while we are home in Quarantine. My family and I have been ‘safe at home’ on our farm for 4 weeks now, and we are sticking to physical distancing and only going out when truly…
My Best Money Saving Tip
I thought I would share something a little bit different than I usually do with you today. But I know most of you are home with young children, and in that stage of life I thought you might also be trying to pinch a few pennies, as we are. So today I wanted to share…
Teaching Kids to Knit
I am excited to partner with Oak Meadow today to bring you this post on teaching kids to knit. Teaching your child to knit might sound a little daunting. It certainly did to me a few years ago when it was time to teach my son. I learned to knit myself when I was very…
TONS of Seed Activities for Kids
Do you know what Fall is perfect for? Some fun seed activities for kids! All of our plants have gone to seed, so we are finding so many treasures outside. It is amazing to see all of the different types of seeds. I thought I would compile a list of some seed activities for kids…
Wild-Child Wind Spinner
There are an awful lot of trees in our new house. Sammy recently made a birdhouse with his Papa, and it made me think about this post from last spring. I think it is time to make some more wind spinners with my wild child. Here is my original post, in case you would like…
Homemade Gifts for Teachers
I was chatting with my sister yesterday about homemade gifts for teachers. She loves to add a homemade personal touch to her gifts and wanted to be sure that her gift was something a teacher would really love. She’s pretty sweet, that sister of mine. I thought it was a wonderful question, and one I…