Well, here’s a unique post for you! If you join me on my Facebook page often—and if you don’t, please do!—you may know I have been wanting to make a Geo Board for my kids. Sometimes I will read far too much about a project, look at tons of gorgeous photos, and then feel overwhelmed and do nothing.
All this time spent thinking and planning a Geo Board, when the perfect thing was right under my nose (well, my toes).
I was in the shower (hmmm … getting too personal) thinking about daily things – “I still haven’t made that Geo Board… we need a new bathmat, this one has crummy suction cups… the suction cups would be good for fine motor skills for the boys… maybe we could put pom poms in them… no it’s probably too grimy… I could clean it… but I won’t…”
Anyways, a little while after this self-chat in the shower we did get a new bathmat (oh the stories I tell here, riveting).
Before we used it, I thought we would do some playing. We did put pom poms in the suction cups and played a bit with that, but then I realized, this bathmat could make a great Geo Board!
And it did.
The creation of this Geo Board was the easiest thing imaginable. I unrolled the bathmat and taped it to the ground.
Next, Sam used elastic bands to create tons of shapes and pictures on the bathmat. He simply wrapped the elastics around the suction cups.
All the while learning about the thickness of elastics and stretchability, corners, sides, and shapes.
If this had been an activity I had really planned out I would have had different coloured elastics on hand. I know the pale elastics on the clear bathmat are tricky to see – but I hope the coolness comes through.
I had thought Sam would really enjoy a Geo Board – and he really does. He spent an entire hour creating pictures yesterday afternoon. And played with it again before bed.
One of the best parts is that it simply rolls up to store away. No big bulky wooden Geo Boards around here (thanks to procrastination).
As a side note, we still need a new bathmat for the shower.
Looking for even more easy ways to spark child-led learning? I have a free ebook all about this topic! It’s full of practical activities and ideas to present to your child that will help to spark their natural curiosity and get them excited about diving into learning. Grab your free copy right here:
This is pure genius (and your stories are adorable, too)!
Thank you so much Devany! And your Christmas Tree Geo board will be finding it’s way onto our bathmat very soon!
Brilliant idea the Geo Board using a bath mat. Going to have one on hand for when the twins come. At 9 years of age it will be interesting to see what they create. If they do it, I will send pictures. Keep your awesome ideas coming. ❤️
Oh thank you Marilyn! I just love when you leave me comments – they always brighten my day! I hope your grandchildren like this idea. Thank you for your kind words.
This is a genius activity!! I’m sharing!
Woohoo! So happy you think so. Thank you Crystal!
I actually nearly just woke my children saying out loud how blinking genius. I’ve been looking at how to make a geo board all evening specifically one that would work on a sensory light box I made recently. This is absolutely perfect. I will be purchasing a clear bath mat immediately.
P. S I also have similar chats to myself in the shower haha.
Well this comment has made my night Charlotte!!! Ha! Thank you so much – I am thrilled you love it as much as I do! What a brilliant idea to add it to a light table. We need to do this!
Wow… So brilliant. You are a genius mama!
Glad you like this idea Olivia! And thank you for your thoughtful – though certainly too generous – words! xo
This is a fabulous idea! And is large enough for 2 friends to play/learn at once. Adding a clear bath mat to my wish list stat.
Thanks Emily!! So glad it is a good one for you!