Some of us here want our little ones to develop a love of nature. Some of us want our children to learn to love learning. Some of us here want to share great art and craft ideas with our little ones. But all of us?
We all love togetherness. Time spent with our families – no matter what we are doing – exploring nature, learning skills, or creating. As long as we are together.
So this year my gift guide features my wonderful sponsors who provide exactly that.
You may have noticed that I do not have traditional advertisements on my site. Instead, I partner with companies I can truly, and wholeheartedly support. Companies my family really love. The hope is that you might love them too!
I know the individuals at these companies personally. I know that if you purchase from them, you will receive your product and you will love it. And in my world, that is the only way to truly do business.
So since I know you love family togetherness as much as I do, I am thrilled to introduce you to these companies who nurture, inspire, and support families.
Green Kid Crafts. Sometimes we need a gentle nudge to remind us to take some time with our little ones, get creative, and learn about our environment too. Green Kid Crafts does exactly this – every single month! Each box is loaded with 5-8 STEAM activity kits for kids aged 3-10.
Korxx. This small, family run company creates beautiful, sustainable cork blocks. They look and feel amazing and will call you to play alongside your little ones as you build, explore, and create together.
Aurora Shoe Co. So what are you going to wear to keep up with those little monkeys? How about some lovingly handcrafted shoes made especially for you. This company has been working with me for two years now and the owners are the kindest souls. They have a beautiful blog as well. These genuine leather shoes are handmade in their local shop – and the reviews are spectacular.
Happi Tummi. Family togetherness is a bit of a challenge when you have a new baby with colic. Trust me, I know! These natural, warm, herbal scented bands wrap around babes tummy calming him right down. Much nicer for that tiny tummy (and the whole family!) These bands also work on toddlers and older children when they have upset tummies. A nice warm, comforting hug.
Oak Meadow. Whether you home school or not, Oak Meadow is needed in your home. Their book, The Heart of Learning, which I have talked about here repeatedly is an absolute must have! And their preschool, kindergarten, and grade school curricula are incredible for little ones mind, body, and soul. The entire curriculum, and in fact everything I know about Oak Meadow, focuses on family togetherness.
Scholar’s Choice. Looking to get a toy you know will be educational? If so, Scholar’s Choice is for you. There are few greater joys than seeing a child reach their full potential. This company carefully select the toys and games that they carry and anticipate the joy of seeing a child succeed. This is what drives them at Scholar’s Choice. They are committed to your family – to supporting you to ensure your children achieve their full potential. Learning is the greatest gift of all.
The Pencil Grip. Sometimes learning to write doesn’t come easily. Developing fine motor skills and strengthening little hands is The Pencil Grip’s business! If you are watching your little one struggle, or if you are concerned they are not developing their pencil grip as they should be, this company will help you and your little one. They support families and offer so many neat products and tools to help.Teach My. Sometimes we feel a little unsure about teaching our little ones. Especially as new moms! It’s so nice to have a guide to help us ensure we are giving our little ones a fabulous start. Teach My Baby (and now also toddler, preschoolers, and oodles more!) provides us with exactly that. With 20 minutes of structured, developmentally appropriate, and fun activities a day this company helps families ensure little ones are getting a wonderful start.
Quiet Bins. Do you know what is just as important as family togetherness? Family apart-ness. Just as little ones need lots of time together with their family, they also need independent time. My Quiet Bins books are perfect for teaching children about independent play, focus, and increasing attention. They are also great for teaching you how to implement this quiet time in your day and how to ensure it is successful. Quiet time is essential for little minds and big minds too! I adore my family togetherness time, but I also adore my quiet time.
There you have it! Nine fabulous gift ideas, nine wonderful companies (well eight and then a shameless self-promotion), and endless opportunities for family togetherness.
Because before we know it they are going to be grown! Time to lock in traditions, enjoy those little moments, and ensure we will look back on years and years of memories.
I hope you and your family have the most incredible holiday season. Thank you so much for reading and continuing to follow along with us in this space. Your comments and support about the things I share here mean so much.
I look forward to sharing lots of holiday ideas over the coming weeks so get ready! Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la!!
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