I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. I make goals. I am a big believer in setting (and reaching) goals, and I want to instill this in my kids as well. Goals are not the be-all and end-all, they need to be flexible. But I also know that they can be amazingly effective. This speaks to…
Crafts for Selling: 10 Fun and Creative Craft Ideas
Do your kids enjoy crafts? Have they ever wanted to earn some money? Even better, have they ever considered starting their own business? I have some fantastic crafts for selling ideas that kids can create as a fun and engaging way to kick off their very own business. Crafts for Selling: 10 Fun and Creative…
10 Books to Inspire Children to Start Your Own Business
Children can start their own businesses, too! Or what I like to call ‘Kid-Preneurs.’ Starting a business can be a fun and educational experience for children. It encourages them to think critically and creatively while also helping them understand the value of money and hard work. In my Start Your Own Business Family Unit Study,…
A Review of Seasonal Living with Littles
While my children are eagerly counting down the days until Christmas (only 9 days away!), this mama is counting down to the Winter Solstice. And that, my friend, is only 5 days away. But not to panic. Quiet the opposite, in fact! Take a slow, deep breath, because the Winter Solstice is a truly beautiful…
Constellation Cards and Myths for Kids
A few years ago, we took a trip to our local museum and watched a star show in the planetarium. As a mama who could spend hours staring up at the night sky, I am happy to report that my kids found it just as spectacular as I did! If you ever have the opportunity to…
Creating a Gentle Daily Rhythm
Have you ever noticed how little ones love to read the same story again and again… and again and again? While fabulous for developing language skills, this also gives little ones a much-desired sense of control and predictability in their day. The same holds true with a daily rhythm. When little ones know what to…
Homemade Halloween Costumes for the Wild Child
Don’t you just love sweet homemade Halloween costumes? I was perusing Pinterest, as I have been known to do a time or two (hundred), and kept finding these adorable DIY costumes that I thought were perfect for this nature-loving Mama and her little free spirits. Since I know so many of you also fall into…
Free Printable Homeschool Planner | A Year at Home
It’s ready! It’s ready! My patient friends, thank you for waiting. Our annual, beautiful, FREE Printable Homeschool Planner is now available to you! Free Printable Homeschool Planner This resource is downloaded year after year and is always given to you as a gift from me. A little way for me to say, “Hey friend. I…
Weather Activity: Paper Chain Weather Tracking!
The weather around here has been absolutely bonkers lately. Between rain, snow, hail, clouds, fog, thundersnow (!!), and yes, even a bit of sun… whew, the weather app has certainly gotten a lot of use! It also makes it the perfect time to enjoy this weather activity from Seasonal Living with Littles! Before we get…
SPECTACULAR Minute to Win It Games for Families!
Has your family tried Minute to Win It games? We have recently gotten into them, and guys—they are AWESOME for family fun! I decided to pull together a collection of our 12 favorite Minute to Win It Games for Families. As you might know, we have a wide range of ages in our children (a…