Happy (almost) New Year! As we are sitting here in this abyss of time that falls between Christmas and New Year—where we are not sure what day of the week it is—I thought I’d share with you this fun little coloring page for New Year that doubles as adorable Printable New Year Hats!
No matter the day of the week, a good coloring page is always the way to go!
Things have been a bit extra here this week. I mean, we have the typical after-Christmas craziness with little ones having had too much sugar, too many screens, and too much disruption to typical schedules, but now we also have a bug.
Luckily nothing serious, but enough of a bug that it is keeping us rather housebound.
Not ideal.
So this afternoon, as some little ones were feeling especially squirmish and needing a little bit of direction, I decided these printable Happy New Year Party Hats would be the perfect activity.
And they were!
We all settled down around the little crafting table and colored away. I just love coloring, so I was very happy to join in.
My kids get way more into an activity when I am creating right alongside them.
So we colored away and discussed all the big plans we had for New Year’s Eve. My boys are hoping to stay up this year. Ironically, my plans did not involve staying up.
I do, in fact, love New Year’s, just not the staying up until midnight part. I celebrate in my own way, which is a rather solitary me and my journal-type event, but it makes me very, very happy. This will likely come quite in conflict with my boys’ plans. I highly doubt they are planning on spending the night journaling…
Anyway, no matter how you plan to celebrate New Year’s (or not) this year, this fun little craft will be perfect. Simply print off this Happy New Year Crown, color away, and cut it out.
You can then attach two together to make it a typical crown, or attach some string to one and make it an adorable mini crown!
They really do look so cute and might just get you in the spirit of wanting to stay up until midnight on the big day. Maybe… Probably not though.
Grab yours right here:
I hope you love them!
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