Fall is a time of change for a lot of people. Change can be hard to handle sometimes, which is why this nature craft for preschoolers can be such a pick-me-up to your week! Not convinced??? Let me guide you through some easy steps to bond with your preschooler and grow together in gratitude.
Nature Craft for Preschoolers – Handmade Cards
Step 1
Take an intentional walk outside looking for things that are beautiful, imperfect, or interesting. If you need any pointers, your preschooler is naturally a pro at this. Preschoolers are great at finding interesting rocks and leaves. Take a moment to share in their delight when they find items for this nature craft.
Step 2
This step might take another day intentionally walking outside, or it could be combined with step one. Start collecting flowers or leaves that might be able to be pressed in a book. If those are hard to find in your area due to the season, rocks and twigs can be a great substitute. Vocalize to your preschooler how happy, inspired, and uplifted you feel by enjoying nature. Take turns expressing gratitude for the things you hear, smell, touch, and see outside on your walk. Your preschooler can learn all about the senses this way!
Step 3
Take the items you collect and prepare them to be pressed in a large book of any kind – hardcover works best. I used computer paper between the pages so as not to damage my book. Lay the items out between the pages, carefully arranging them to be as flat as possible. This should be slightly methodical if possible as you appreciate each item.
Pro Tip: If pressing leaves and flowers seems like too much work or you don’t have time, pre-pressed specimens can be ordered off Amazon for a reasonable price. Try to still take a little time to enjoy nature with your preschooler, though.
Step 4
When specimens have dried for a few days, it is time for the construction of this awesome nature craft for preschoolers. I collected a few colors of cardstock, glue, and a sharpie marker for our cards, and it worked out great! The mess was also very minimal.
Step 5
Have you preschooler adhere leaves and flowers to the front of cards however they see fit. Let them think of people who they would like to give cards too, with a little help from you if need be. After deciding the recipient, ask your child why they are grateful for that person.
My daughter came up with some great ideas and they were not things that I would have necessarily thought of. I helped her by doting the words for her and she took over from there. She is so excited to deliver her cards!
I love that we were able to practice expressing gratitude and spent some time together enjoying nature’s beauties. This nature craft for preschoolers took longer than a week to accomplish, but the results were very uplifting and rewarding. I highly recommend it! It forces you to slow down, think of others intentionally, and connect with nature, which are all such worthwhile skills.
I would love to see what you come up with and what you and your kids are grateful for! Please share in the comments below.
Kyanne graduated from Utah State University and worked with youth of all ages as a 4-H coordinator before taking a leave from her professional career to start a family of her own. She has four darling, creative, and outgoing young children ages 5, 4, 2, and 6 months. She enjoys teaching her children, crafting – they make just about anything together, and adventuring in the outdoors of Idaho with her family.
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