If you visit this little space often, I am sure you know that we love Quiet Bins. I stand by the magic of quiet time wholeheartedly!
My kids are happier, calmer, and so much more relaxed now that we have a set quiet time in our day. But Quiet Bins do so much more than help with that …
I was feeling rather creative and tried to make a video – I hope this works! If it does you will here me telling you all about the benefits of Quiet Bins.
If you are interested in learning more about Quiet Bins, please consider my book on A Year of Educational Quiet Bins: The secret to peaceful days at home available as an eBook or on (affiliate link) Amazon
And if you are interested in the simplest Quiet Bins ever, please consider my book on Dollarstore Quiet Bins: Nine dollarstore items, 30 brilliant quiet bins available as an eBook or on (affiliate link) AmazonĀ
Thank you so much for being here friends! I hope you are having a fabulous start to your week.
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