I have got Quiet Time on my brain right now! Now that is not much different than normal; I am often thinking about Quiet Time, but even more so right now.
With The Quiet Time Club currently on sale, I have been eyeball deep in all things Quiet Time. I want to make sure that YOU and your little ones can dive into the amazing, blissful, outstanding world of Quiet Time made easy as can be.
In order to absolutely ensure Quiet Time is a success for you and yours I have come up with a rock-solid plan.
First of all, you are going to need Quiet Time activities. Easy ones. Ones with next to no setup. And you are going to need them daily. BIG HUGE CHECKMARK HERE! The Quiet Time Club delivers on this one.
Secondly, you need to know the 6 tips and tricks for when Quiet Time isn’t going smoothly or things get a little bit bumpy. A SECOND BIG CHECKMARK HERE! These 6 Golden Rules are in The Club!
Third, you are going to need some support from ME! You guessed it, The Quiet Time Club delivers a BIG CHECKMARK HERE as well! When questions or struggles come up, I will be right there to help.
And finally, as well as the reason for this post, you are going to need to know the exact “How To” for Quiet Time.
I wanted to walk you through my exact recipe for setting up Quiet Time. Having gone through the “Quiet Time Process” with four very unique little ones of my own, I have become something of a self-proclaimed Quiet Time Queen.
I have learned that there is a very specific Quiet Time protocol that results in the most exceptional Quiet Time results. Starting to sound a bit scientific and professional? Why yes, I do take Quiet Time very, very seriously. It is a science in my eyes.
Today we are going to dive into STEP ONE of “How to Set up Quiet Time.” Then, over the next two days, we will round out this series, and you will have all three steps in your tool belt.
So without further ado, I bring you step one:
Step One: How to Set Up Quiet Time
Now this step might not be needed with all children. It will depend on the age and personality of your child, as well as the experiences your child has had. But from my experience, some children need to be introduced to the idea of daily independent time very softly and gradually. It is essential that little ones understand that this is a special time of day for them to cherish.
To begin your Quiet Time journey, you can explain to your little one that every day after lunch (or wherever you choose to fit Quiet Time into your rhythm), they are going to have a very special time to play all on their own. Tell your child that during this time, they get to be the problem solver and decision maker! And to make this time special, you have prepared a very special activity for them to enjoy.
The Quiet Time journey begins with only five minutes of Quiet Time, so step one involves getting your child comfortable with playing alone and independently for five minutes.
If your child is not comfortable playing alone, you might need to go through this process:
Begin by playing with the Quiet Time activity with your child for 5 minutes, then tell your little one that the special activity is all done for today, but tomorrow during special Quiet Time, they can play with it again.
The next day, see if your child will engage with the Quiet Time activity all on their own with you sitting and watching quietly. If not, participate as needed, reducing your involvement day by day.
This truly is a slow and steady process.
Once your child is okay with you sitting in the room but not participating, still for only 5 minutes, tell your child you are going to go do a job for five minutes, and you will return as soon as you are done.
As soon as your child is comfortable being alone and independently engaging in his or her Quiet Time Activity for five minutes, step one is complete!
You did it! Woohoo!
Tomorrow I will share with you Step Two of the Quiet Time process. Be sure to come back and join me! And be sure to check out the life-changing Quiet Time Club! (I’m not even over-selling it!)
Thank you so much for reading, sweet friend,
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