Learning about the five senses is a perfect thing to explore with toddlers! Two-year-olds naturally discover their world using all of their senses, so these five senses activities are naturally engaging.
These crafts and activities are perfect for children from 18 months through to 2 1/2 years old, as they are full of sensory learning. Sensory play helps develop a toddler’s language skills, problem-solving skills, creative thinking, and even builds new brain-nerve connections. How awesome is that?!
Sensory play, and play in general, is amazing for a toddler’s development. So get ready to dive into these fun and easy Five Senses Activities!
In fact, having a simple toddler activity planned for you each and every day is exactly what my Playful Days Toddler Program is all about!
We build vocabulary and a strong knowledge base by playing with all sorts of themes—one of which is The Five Senses! Not only will this provide your little one with a beautiful foundation for learning, but it will provide just the right amount of structure to those long days at home with wee ones, and build beautiful memories as well.
The activities below are great examples of the daily activities you will find in my Playful Days Toddler Program!
You can read all about my Playful Days Toddler Program right here: https://www.howweelearn.com/playfuldays/
And just before we dive into these five senses activities for toddlers, would you like a fun printable to enjoy together? This one is totally free and a wonderful, learning-filled activity for you to enjoy with your toddler. You can grab it right here:
Five Senses Activities for Toddlers
These activities are great examples of similar activities that can be found in my Playful Days Toddler Program.
Five Senses Outside – I have actually already written about playing and learning with our five senses on the blog, back when we took that learning outside! Check out how we learned about the sense of sight, sound, touch, scent, and taste on our nature walk.
What’s in the Box – This simple set-up is so fun for toddlers! Of course, the box doesn’t need to be decorated at all, just pop something inside and have your little one try to figure out what it is with only his sense of touch. You can give clues and watch that vocabulary blossom before your very eyes!
Guess the Shape by Mrs. Plemons Kindergarten – This fun idea is one you could use again and again, no matter the theme you are playing with. Toddlers will love to develop their sense of touch by trying to guess what is being drawn on their back. Be sure to keep it nice and simple and begin by having your toddler guess between only two options, such as, “Is it a line or a circle?”
Sensory Snack by Surprisingly Special – This is such a fun 5 senses activity for toddlers! Poke some holes in paper cups, or simply blindfold your child, and see if they can sniff to determine what the snack is.
Exploring Sound and Texture by Fantastic Fun and Learning – Use some small cars and trucks to explore how different textures feel and sound! Such a simple exploration that is perfect for toddlers to experience.
Texture Collage by Modern Homestead Mama – This is a great 5 senses craft for toddlers! Gather as many different textures as you can find around your home and let your toddler create a collage.
Jello Sensory Play by Mrs Plemons Kindergarten – Explore the sense of touch and taste with this squishy Jello sensory bin! What toddler wouldn’t adore this one?
There you have them, my friend! Lots of fun ways to explore the five senses as you dive into play with your toddler.
The five senses is one of the seven themes found within my Playful Days Toddler Program. If you are ready to simplify your life AND break up your day, you are definitely going to want to check it out right here: https://www.howweelearn.com/playfuldays/
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