Who doesn’t love a good name puzzle? (If you happen to answer with “me” … if you really don’t love a good name puzzle, you are about to be very disappointed in my post today …) But if you answered with, “Gosh, I have no idea who wouldn’t love a good name puzzle!” then you are in for a treat!
It is somewhat hard for me to believe that I have been writing in this space for over a year. A year’s worth of ideas, thoughts, and creativity. And wouldn’t you know I have written about some of the things I love most more then once.
One thing I have written about consistently is name puzzles. I always start alphabet learning with names ( I wrote all about that in this post on alphabet recognition activities). And one of my favourite ways to help little ones practice a name is with name puzzles.
Since we have done many name puzzles, I thought it would be helpful to put them all in one spot. This way, no matter what the season, you have a name puzzle handy. Because, in case you hadn’t realized, I’m kind of partial to them.
And so I bring you …. A Year Full of Name Puzzles!
Somehow, I don’t have a name puzzle for summer – but don’t worry, Jamie over at Hands on as we Grow has you covered. She has a cute Rainbow Name Puzzle idea perfect for summer.
And there you have it! A name puzzle for every season. An entire years worth of name puzzle fun! And depending on your answer to the original question – you’re welcome! or sorry! Thanks for reading today – come back soon!
Please consider liking us on Facebook so we can share more creative learning activities with you and your little ones. Thank you!
channon says
Cute idea! I will give this a try with my little ones. 🙂
Susen @ Dabbling Momma says
Love these! Pinned!
Sarah says
Thank you for pinning Susen!
Michelle says
What is the best age to start name recognition, and when would I expect to see progress iin recognising letters? 🙂
Sarah says
Hi Michelle! I am afraid my response may not be very helpful as … ‘it depends’ 🙂 That being said, generally little ones are showing an interest in letters and names sometime in their third year. When little ones are about 3 I would suggest putting their names on things – shoes, bags, above their bed even. Once they start to show an interest in what it is, or ask questions about it, I take that as a sign to get started. The single biggest thing is waiting until little ones are ready. I really, really believe this. Some little ones might be learning to recognize their name letters when they are 2, others when they are 5. But if you wait until they are truly ready the progress will astound you. With my little guy, we did a few activities and crafts with names when he was 3, but he just recently started to show an interest in learning his letters (now he is 4) and has progressed so fast it’s amazing! Hope that helps a bit.
Steph says
So many fun ways to change it up! It would be fun to keep the zig-zags in each puzzle and see how their cutting and gluing progresses throughout the year as well.
Sarah says
Well that is a fantastic suggestion Steph! Love it. You could use these little puzzles as a portfolio … as you suggested, and also my how they can print their names (at first not at all, then tracing, etc …) Great! Thank you for taking the time to comment.
Karen W says
This is such a neat idea. We have done cut up puzzles before, but never for names. I am going to have to do this with my young kiddos.
Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing with Littles Learning Link up over at Tots and Me…Growing Up Together. So glad you could join in.
Just wanted to let you know that your post is one of the features this week. I sure hope you can stop by again. Have a great evening.
Sarah says
Thank you so much for the feature Karen! I am glad you will give these name puzzles a try with your little ones – they are a hit with mine!