Every child is special and one-of-a-kind! I’m thrilled to present the All About Me Unit Study—an engaging, hands-on unit study that will guide your children in discovering more about themselves, their families, and what makes them truly unique.
Did you know that the word ‘unique’ is derived from the Latin word ‘unicus’, meaning ‘one and only?’ Have you ever wondered what life would be like without a name? That is only the beginning! Get ready to dive deep into what it means to be ‘you’ through playful, inquiry-based, hands-on fun!
What is a Family Unit Study?
But first… what exactly is a Family Unit Study?
This unit study, like all of our ever-growing library of unit studies, takes one big topic—All About Me—and breaks it down into ten manageable, bite-sized learning topics. This format gives you the freedom to dive into learning at a pace that works for your family.
Perhaps you do one area per day, perhaps one per week. Whatever suits your fancy! You can learn and explore from start to finish in about 1-2 hours per bite-sized learning topic.
Each of the ten topics included with a unit study contains everything you need for that topic, including:
- a curated YouTube video,
- suggested information to read,
- a “what’s happening” section,
- an interesting fact,
- a discussion question,
- literacy and math extension questions,
- and an ultimate-can’t-be-beat hands-on activity!
Dive in and watch the sparks of wonder ignite. Watch the child-led learning take off. Watch what happens when children are engaged in what they are learning!
Want to see a sample? Check out a sample of the All About Me Unit Study right here. Need a bit more information? Keep reading!
All About Me Unit Study
Topic 1: What is Your Name?
Names are an important part of who we are. Learn about your name and why we have names, then create some awesome Bingo Dabber Name Art!
Topic 2: Who is in My Family?
Family is an important part of our lives. Learn about the relationships between the people in your family then create your very own family tree with a beautiful printable.
Topic 3: Where Do I Live?
Where do we live, and how does our place fit into the bigger world?! Make a “Where Do I Live?” flipbook, learn about addresses and how to address an envelope, and mail a letter to friend!
Topic 4: What is My Phone Number?
How do you make a phone call? And how to cell phones even work?! Playfully learn your phone number or the phone number of a loved one through a fly-swatter memory game!
Topic 5: What Do I Look Like?
In this topic, you will explore how appearance makes us unique, then create a dynamic self-portrait showcasing your unique self!
Topic 6: I Am Special!
Some people are athletic and good at sports. Others are musical and good at playing different instruments. What are your hobbies and talents, and how do they make you unique? Discover what makes you unique, then create an acrostic poem to showcase how you are special.
Topic 7: My Favorites
We all have preferences and favorites. Identify your favorites and compile a ‘favorites bag’ to visually display your preferences!
Topic 8: My Talents
Some people are talented athletes, others are talented in art or music, and others have talents such as baking, telling jokes, or juggling. Brainstorm some of your talents then plan and perform a talent show for friends and family!
Topic 9: When I Grow Up!
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? How can you take your talents and interests and turn them into a career? Research some career options that interest you, then turn your research into a ‘When I Grow Up’ poster.
Topic 10: I Am Unique Scrapbook
This culminating hands-on activity takes all of the tasks from Topics 1-9 and turns them into a scrapbook that showcases just how special and unique you are!
And there you have it—the ten learning topics that make up our great big All About Me Unit Study! I hope you will pop on over to check it out and consider purchasing it for you and yours.
Grab the All About Me Unit Study right here:
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Happy Monday, my friend!
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