Wouldn’t it be fun to travel to the Eiffel Tower or the Great Wall of China? I’m excited to introduce our amazing, hands-on architecture unit study that will allow your children to explore four amazing architectural wonders: The Eiffel Tower, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Pyramids of Giza, and The Great Wall of China.
Be inspired as you discover these amazing landmarks, learning about geography, architecture, engineering, and visual arts along the way.
Did you know that it took 200 years to build a pyramid? Does it surprise you that The Eiffel Tower is illuminated each night by 20,000 lightbulbs?
That is only the beginning! Get ready to be astonished as we learn all about architecture with playful, inquiry-based, hands-on fun!
What is a Family Unit Study?
But first… what exactly is a Family Unit Study?
This unit study, like all of our ever-growing library of unit studies, takes one big topic—Architecture Around the World—and breaks it down into ten manageable, bite-sized learning topics. This format gives you the freedom to dive into learning at a pace that works for your family.
Perhaps you do one area per day, perhaps one per week. Whatever suits your fancy! You can learn and explore from start to finish in about one hour per bite-sized learning topic.
Each of the ten topics included with a unit study contains everything you need for that topic, including:
- a curated YouTube video,
- suggested information to read,
- a “what’s happening” section,
- an interesting fact,
- a discussion question,
- literacy and math extension questions,
- and an ultimate-can’t-be-beat hands-on activity!
Dive in and watch the sparks of wonder ignite. Watch the child-led learning take off. Watch what happens when children are engaged in what they are learning!
Get a FREE Family Unit Study Sample
Want to see what our unit studies are like? You can download a sample from the Stars and Constellations Family Unit Study right here:
Architecture Around the World Family Unit Study
Let’s take a look at the topics covered in Architecture Around the World!
Topic 1: Great Buildings Around the World?
Learn about some of the world’s famous landmarks, then extend your learning with a Landmarks Geography Scavenger Hunt.
Topic 2: The Eiffel Tower
Learn about one of the most famous towers in the world: The Eiffel Tower in France. Next, use your engineering skills as you build a tower in the Stacking and Stability STEM building activity.
Topic 3: Eiffel Tower Art
The Eiffel Tower is truly a magnificent sight to see! Explore visual arts and the element of line as you draw the Eiffel Tower.
Topic 4: The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Discover the famous leaning tower in Italy. Use your creativity to decorate the Leaning Tower of Pisa using playdough.
Topic 5: Why Does it Lean?
Have you ever wondered why The Leaning Tower of Pisa leans or how it stays up? Discover the engineering facts behind lean. Then, use spaghetti and marshmallows in an experiment to learn about structure and stability.
Topic 6: Pyramids of Egypt
Explore this ancient wonder of the world, then use Lego blocks to recreate the pyramids in Egypt.
Topic 7: Egyptian Pyramid Watercolour Art
Learn how to draw a 3D pyramid, then explore watercolor technique as you create a gorgeous watercolor painting of the Pyramids of Giza.
Topic 8: Building the Great Wall
Learn why the Great Wall of China is so impressive! Next, design and build your own Great Wall out of sugar cubes.
Topic 9: The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is one of the world’s most recognizable landmarks. Learn about the history of this amazing wall, then create a unique pointillism picture of the Great Wall of China.
Topic 10: What is an Architect?
Learn all about the role of an architect in planning, designing, and executing the building of a structure. Use the design process an architect uses to design and build your own structure.
And there you have it–the ten learning topics that make up our great big Architecture Around the World Unit Study! I hope you will pop on over to check it out and consider purchasing it for you and yours.
Architecture Around the World Family Unit Study
Grab the Architecture Around the World Family Unit Study right here:
Thank you so much for reading!