While my children are eagerly counting down the days until Christmas (only 9 days away!), this mama is counting down to the Winter Solstice. And that, my friend, is only 5 days away. But not to panic. Quiet the opposite, in fact! Take a slow, deep breath, because the Winter Solstice is a truly beautiful…
Constellation Cards and Myths for Kids
A few years ago, we took a trip to our local museum and watched a star show in the planetarium. As a mama who could spend hours staring up at the night sky, I am happy to report that my kids found it just as spectacular as I did! If you ever have the opportunity to…
Creating a Gentle Daily Rhythm
Have you ever noticed how little ones love to read the same story again and again… and again and again? While fabulous for developing language skills, this also gives little ones a much-desired sense of control and predictability in their day. The same holds true with a daily rhythm. When little ones know what to…
Weather Activity: Paper Chain Weather Tracking!
The weather around here has been absolutely bonkers lately. Between rain, snow, hail, clouds, fog, thundersnow (!!), and yes, even a bit of sun… whew, the weather app has certainly gotten a lot of use! It also makes it the perfect time to enjoy this weather activity from Seasonal Living with Littles! Before we get…
Take Your Time…
A good friend told me she is working on strengthening one parenting skill every month. I found that pretty admirable. And while things often seem like sunshine and butterflies in this space, there are many parenting skills I could strengthen. ‘Many’ is probably not the right word… loads? Plenty? Let’s just stick with many; it…
Your Best Motherhood in 2020!
Have you ever wondered about ‘attachment parenting’? The theory behind it, how it benefits children, and how it can make you a happy mom? I have. Lots. So I asked my friend Christie, who is an expert in this area, to share a few posts with us on this topic. This is the very first…
Earth Day Nature Walk Ideas for Kids
Earth Day is on April 22nd, so what better time to get those kids outdoors on a nature walk? Earth Day activities don’t need to be complicated. In fact, sometimes it is the simplest of activities that can be the most meaningful to little ones. Going on a nature walk is simple, full of fun…
How to Provide Nurturing Answers to the “WHY’s?”
I remember very clearly declaring, likely to myself only, that when my daughter (my first child) entered the “WHY” phase I was going to answer every question. I was going to take the time to answer every little question that popped into her head. And I did try. I would explain everything as thoroughly as…
Potpourri Making with Kids
I am excited to partner with Oak Meadow today to bring you this post on making potpourri. We sure do love our homemade gifts around here. With the holidays just around the corner I was thrilled to see ‘making potpourri’ in our Oak Meadow grade one curriculum for this week. There is a large nature…
Doing it all
I missed being here on Friday. And I am super late posting today. The reason? Something simply had to give. I hit that Mama wall I have hit before. I am overwhelmed, depleted, and it has taken it’s toll. The thought of me writing about it was intimidating, but since I have found something that…