While my children are eagerly counting down the days until Christmas (only 9 days away!), this mama is counting down to the Winter Solstice. And that, my friend, is only 5 days away.
But not to panic. Quiet the opposite, in fact!
Take a slow, deep breath, because the Winter Solstice is a truly beautiful day. It marks the start of winter, yes, but also the return of more sunlight. From this day forward, the days get longer and brighter, and we can all soak up more of that warmth again.
As I look forward to the Winter Solstice, I thought it would be a wonderful time to share a bit about Seasonal Living with Littles with you. This is one of the four resources included with my best-selling toddler bundle: The Everything Toddler Bundle
In Seasonal Living with Littles, you introduce your little one to each solstice and equinox while enjoying seasonal crafts, activities, poetry, and artwork together. It’s your season-by-season, month-by-month resource for natural living with your little ones.
Let’s take a look at what’s included and how you may choose to incorporate Seasonal Living with Littles in your home!
A Review of Seasonal Living with Littles
Below, I share with you what is included with Seasonal Living with Littles and how you may choose to use this resource in your home:
Celebrate the Solstice and Equinox
At the start of each new season, you will take some time to learn about the Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, or Fall Equinox. We look at why these special days exist in a very child-friendly way.
After learning about the special day, you can pick and choose from the celebration ideas. These are simple yet special ideas that help strengthen your connection to nature and the seasons. Perhaps you’ll create a gratitude tree for the Fall Equinox, bake some treats for the Winter Solstice, plant seeds for the Spring Equinox, and enjoy a sun-themed craft together for the Summer Solstice!
No matter how you choose to celebrate, you are sure to enjoy beautiful moments with your little one and find new traditions to weave into the year.
Seasonal Crafts and Activities
Seasonal Living with Littles also includes lots of fun crafts, activities, and sensory bin ideas! Every month offers a new sensory bin idea, as well as weekly crafts or activities that incorporate, like these beautiful ice hangings that you’ll make in January:
A Creative Project Just for You
One evening each season, I encourage you to get those little ones to bed, make a warm cup of tea, and have a lovely time creating. We are creative beings! When we are busy with our little ones all day, it is easy to lose sight of this. That is why each season includes a special craft for you to enjoy all on your own.
My hope is that these crafts will help you add beauty to your home and reignite that love of creating in your heart. Once complete, these crafts can be displayed on your nature table, in your child’s room, or even given as gifts.
The snow babies that you make for winter also look beautiful as Christmas ornaments!
Seasonal Artwork
I collaborated with an immensely talented local artist to create a beautiful piece of art for each season. The artwork can be displayed around your home, in your child’s room, or—my personal favorite—right on your nature table.
If you look closely, you will see that each piece of artwork is also tied to the adult craft for the season. For example, the adult craft for the winter season is to create felt snow babies, and the artwork for the winter session is those very snow babies decorating a winter evergreen tree!
Seasonal Poems
A sweet and simple poem is also included with each season. I encourage you to display the poem in your home and practice reciting it aloud with your little one frequently throughout the season. Practicing rhyme and song with our little ones is fabulous for literacy development!
Nature Table Inspiration
Last but not least, at the heart of it all—and in the heart of your home—is the nature table. Using the seasonal craft, artwork, poem, as well as found natural items, I’ll show you how to create a beautiful nature table for each season.
A nature table is a special place where the outside is welcomed into your home. It is a place for little minds to wonder and for imaginations to soar. It is a space for quiet reflection in increasingly busy worlds.
Your little one is going to love this special place.
Living within the seasons gifts children an enchanting classroom without walls.
And as you dive in, you are going to discover it supports your well-being every bit as much as your little one’s.
Get Seasonal Living with Littles in the How Wee Learn shop today! Available individually or as part of The Everything Toddler Bundle.
Thank you so much for reading, my friend!
xo Sarah
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