Perhaps you remember a few weeks ago when I excitedly wrote to you about our broody hen? Our sweet Henny Penny who had taken to laying her eggs in a nest in the bush? Well, it turns out she wasn’t broody at all …
That sweet girl simply decided she would rather lay her eggs in the bushes. We let her lay 16 eggs there before realizing she was never actually going to sit on them. I have mentioned that I am a very new farmer, right?
Anyways, we left our brooding area all set up in the chicken coop because I had thought we could transition the baby chicks to that spot before they went with the ladies. But, that spot has been taking!
Last week, Chloe, our only feisty lady, decided she would not get off of a nesting box. She is in fact the only lady that we choose to not reach under to get the eggs, as she pecks. Even the littlest farmers! She is queen of the coop and cannot at all be bothered with having the children (or a Mama) snuggle her. Oh goodness, of all the ladies to go broody…
So, once I realized (and I was a bit hesitant to declare this time) she had in fact gone broody, we had to move her to the brooding area. Just so the other ladies would leave her be and she would have a safe spot to hatch eggs.
But this meant that I had to pick up Chloe, feistier than ever before, and carefully move her eggs to the new location. Well, originally I thought I would get this on video so I could share it with you. But that idea flew out the window once I actually tried to pick up Chloe. Poor hen … angrier than words could express. And my helpers took their jobs of carefully moving the eggs very seriously. SLOW and serious, as Mama was being pecked and hissed at, while wearing a winter coat and work gloves (in July). Come to think of it, the video was a silly idea to begin with.
But now, Chloe is back incubating her eggs in a safe spot, and we are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of the babies.
With all the excitement of her move, no one is really sure how many eggs she is sitting on. I would hazard a guess of around seven, but I am certainly not going to be lifting that Mama to check!
I will try my hardest to get a video of the babies hatching and share it with you. That day should take place around August 11th or so.
I am really hopeful that our feisty girl will be a wonderful Mama. A protective one no doubt! I know we will not see eye to eye on the snuggling of her babies, so this will be a good experience for my little ones. Learning about respect and understanding.
The count down is on! I will keep you posted friends,
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