For those following along on our farming adventure, I am happy to report: one week in and we still have chickens! In fact, my promise of becoming the crazy chicken lady is growing. Yesterday we picked up 3 more little ladies to join our flock – bringing us to half a dozen.
I thought I would give you a quick introduction, as our newest additions are just gorgeous! Since we just got them this afternoon, I won’t yet comment on personalities (so as not to be quick to judge). I will say that all three handled the kids excitement like little champs (scared and timid little champs).
White with a little bit of gray, Ms. Pebbles rather resembles a seagull I do believe. She has white ear lobes, which we have learned means she will lay white eggs (isn’t that neat! Thanks Farmer Chris for making us more informed farmers. And for making us farmers to begin with!)
With white legs Chloe certainly stands out from the flock! She is black and brown and seems to be the most friendly, at least today. In this picture you can see her white ear lobes (she will lay white eggs too)
(name to be debated at tomorrows dinner table. It’s a long, rather boring story, which resulted in an unfortunate name for this sweet pea. Never fear – Madeline and I never lose debates. She will have a proper hen name soon.)
Ms. Larry has a lovely orange-red colouring. Far to pretty a hen to be named Larry. I think she just may become Sweet Pea. She is the most timid so far, but in all fairness, she was the only one handled by an excited toddler.
And with that, our flock is finished for the season. 5 hens and 1 rooster. Lots of eggs will be coming our way soon, and the coop is just the right size for a flock of 6. Next summer we will build a barn … and then … oh then we will be able to have plenty more chickens (and a goat … and perhaps a pot bellied pig … Oh the possibilities!)
But for right now, this brand new farmer is very, very happy with her half dozen chicks.
Please be sure to follow along on Facebook! Thank you!
Hi Sarah! I just stumbled across your blog via a Pinterest link and will definitely be following in future. I LOVE all the activities and learning suggestions for kiddos! My family started our chicken-keeping adventure this year too, and my two year old daughter loves nothing more than to go out to the chicken run and feed treats to the “peep peeps.” She and the rooster carry on loooong conversations, crowing back and forth at each other. Having some form of livestock really is so fun for kids! Hope everything’s still going well with your little flock, both the people and the chickens 😉
Hi Laura! SO happy you took the time to introduce yourself! I am eager to pop over to your site to “meet” you as well! We are just loving the chickens – and our flock is growing! We now have 9 outside in the coop – and 3 little babes inside in the brooder just a few days old. They were hatched (shockingly to all of us) outside by Mama hen that had been thought of as lost. Lots of surprises and adventures with chicken keeping!