Riddle me this …
Why can I not find a craft kit for my son that is not pink, purple, flowery, or covered with girls?
Not that he would mind the packaging — I know he really wouldn’t think twice about it, with his 7 year old gentle heart.
But I do. With my giddishgeesh year old heart.
This little guy of mine loves to craft. He can knit better than most Grandmothers. He can sew up a storm and even crochet! He has a real knack for this type of thing which up until now has been perceived as “cute”.
But will this talent persist? Will he continue to love knitting and sewing, crocheting and crafting?
If this Mama can help it, yes it will. Talent’s need to be nurtured, no matter what they are. Perhaps my little man is destined for incredible things in the fashion world.
Or perhaps not. But I don’t want it to be due to the fact that he perceives these things as too feminine.
Which brings me to a craft we had oodles of fun with. One that is excellent for children. Not just girls. Not just boys. But all those crafty little hands.
These bracelets are super simple to make and use only string and nuts (or washers).
We made them by taking a piece of string and bending it in half. We opened the string and placed the nut in the middle, with one half of the string above and the other half below.
We took the bottom string and threaded the end UP through the nut.
We took the top string and put the end DOWN through the nut.
And then we pulled.
Then we simply repeated this again and again.
Rings were created:
And oodles and oodles of bracelets too:
This little man of mine picked up on the pattern in a heartbeat, and happily created his morning away.
Well this post was a touch cranky today! I apologise. I really shouldn’t write to you before I have my morning coffee.
I promise to caffeinate before writing you again.
But really though … boys craft too!
Thank you very much for reading friends. I hope your Monday is off to a great start!
I whole heartedly agree with you! I have had the same problem with craft kits! This is a great craft.
Thank you Phyllis!