All things coloured. The theme of the late winter season continues in our home, with bright crafting running rampant. And thankfully, with the mild weather, my little ones have also been able to run rampant outside!
We have been seeing so many signs of spring this past week, which is very early for us here in Ontario. Our ladies have been enjoying the spring weather just as much as we have, finally enjoying being out of that coop! Our sweet chickens laid all winter long for us, which we understand is quite unusual. The only exception being Judy, our Americauna. Late in the Fall she started laying these gorgeous green eggs, but with the first snow fall she stopped. Today the boys were thrilled to discover a “Judy egg!”. Judy eggs are a sure sign of spring 🙂
My niece Ava created an adorable paper chain craft at school this week. I thought it was lovely, and you may recall my boys LOVE paper chains. It inspired me to give a paper chain rainbow a try!
This paper chain rainbow looks tricky, but is actually very straightforward. Sammy, who is almost 5, was able to do it mostly on his own.
We began with a row of 11 red paper chains. Next, we hung 5 orange paper chains down from every other red paper chain like this:
From here it was super straightforward and Sam could do it all on his own. He simply hung the yellow paper chains down from the orange ones,
And then the green, blue, and pink (because we didn’t have indigo or violet paper)
After this, we did a bit of shaping with the white paper (which were suppose to look like clouds — sort of?) We attached the last pink chain to the last red chain with a white paper chain on both sides. I then attached the three pink chains in the middle with a third white paper chain.
Finally, I linked the three white paper chains together with two final paper chains. Boy, that sounds complicated when I write it out, but it was really straightforward. Hopefully the pictures help, and if not, please leave any questions below in the comments!
I did a bit more shaping with some tape when I stuck it to the wall, and voila! It looked like a rainbow – sort of – if you squint a little.
This was a colourful, fun way to spend one of our last wintery afternoons of the season! Now bring on the spring!
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