The verdict is still out as to whether this idea is brilliant, or ridiculous. And perhaps it is one of those ideas that will depend on the eye of the beholder. To me, as you might imagine as the creator, this idea is genius. To my hubby this idea seems a tad unorthodox.
Of course he is used to my wild ideas and unusual creations, and very often finds them wonderful. So when I ask him his opinion and he says, “it’s different” I have come to realize that this idea will simply not be well received by some. And that is perfectly okay.
Not everyone will like everything I do, and perhaps, some will like nothing I do! But to those who look at this yarn bombed chair turned dollhouse and think, “Yes! Let’s make that!” then you might just be a branch of my same tree. That crazy tree that blooms in the winter because it is just so miserably cold out that you go a little off kilter and start wrapping yarn around furniture.
So, my winter-crazy friends – let me tell you about this lovely (or crazy) yarn dollhouse!
It all started on a February day. It was a typical February day, frigid outside, wild inside, and not enough coffee in the world to help me keep up with my boys. They had take to running around, and I, for a split second thought, “we need more toys”.
Of course, this is an insane notion. My children certainly do not need more toys – and I certainly did not need to spend our hard earned money on flimsy toys that would only be fun for a few minutes. So instead, I told the boys we were going to make some toys.
I asked them what they wanted to make, and they, for whatever reason, declared a house.
When I got out a ball of yarn, Sam told me that he didn’t think I understood. He wanted to build a house – not knit one.
Right. But, you see, this Mama knows that my boys really like projects that take awhile. And this yarn wrapping idea of mine would take a very long while. And it was methodical and calming too. Just what we (or at least I) needed.
We took a chair and started to wrap it into a doll house. It was very simple, quite simple enough for my 4 year old to master, once he got into the rhythm.
We tied the string to one of the back legs (we will call this leg 1), wrapped the yarn around the front of legs 2, 3, and then in front and around leg 4. Then back up to the front of leg 3, 2, and in front and then around leg 1. Make sense?
This took a very long time to wrap. We took turns, and took breaks. But it is interesting to me how a project like this can really add a focus to our day.
Once the chair was entirely wrapped we did a little weaving. Just for fun.
Then we added in some details – a door, and a window – and the house was created.
This lovely yarn house was played with for a very long while. It’s rather funny, as we have a few doll houses downstairs that are hardly ever used – but this one was a huge hit!
So while the verdict is still out as to whether this is a tad on the ridiculous side, or a tad (more than a tad) on the brilliant side, it was certainly on the right side for me and my boys on this particular wintery day!
And now – you may have noticed – it is March! Which means we have survived February – the shortest, and yet longest month of my year. With March comes a slew of birthdays and the promise of spring!
Therefore very soon our yarn will go away and our days will become full of the outdoors again. The boys will have tons of room to run and learn, and the memories of the frigid winter will become distant. And within a few short weeks, I will convince myself that the winter really wasn’t that bad. We will remain Canadian. And go a little loopy next February as well.
Now that I have stoppd laughing.. I feel I should write a comment… But don’t get me wrong.. I think it was a wonderful house.. and something for the boys to take an interst in on such a cold winter’s day and to calm everyone nreves after been coped up inside for so long.. I agree with John it was dufferent..but it sure made us smile.. especially when Sam said he wanted to build a House not knit one… Such childhood humor.. love it…
It is a very windy snow blowing day here… and reading you post made for a few chuckles.which we badly need… but hope you know we are not laughing at you.. just with you… We do find all your posts so interesting…
Gi Gi ox
Oh Gigi! John will be happy to know you are on his side!! Glad it made you smile! We have a rather mild day here actually, so the boys have been enjoying some much needed time outside. I could ALMOST smell the spring in the air – it will be here before we know it!! Excited to visit with you in a few weeks!
Just reading my post over,,, excuse all the spelling errors,,, guess I should have read it over again before posting…
Sorry..G i Gi ,,,
Oh goodness – don’t be silly! No grammar or spelling is graded on this site — thank goodness for me …