We have been snuggling in for some Fall Books for toddlers and preschoolers lately. There is nothing better then cozying up to read some wonderful books with my wee ones on these chilly evenings.
We really enjoy these Fall Books – I hope you will to!
Leaf Trouble written by Jonathan Emmett is a colourful, beautiful book about Fall. It is the tale of a little squirrel who is frantically trying to put the leaves back onto the tree he lives in. His big sister joins in the frenzy before Mama squirrel calms her wee ones and explains what is happening. This story is written with wonderful text – emphasizing words and having the words fall like leaves. A wonderful opportunity to have toddlers discriminate between words and pictures.
Learning Extensions:
1. This is a great story for predictions. Stop in the middle and have your wee one predict what will happen when the little squirrels try to put the leaves back on the tree. Have them predict how the story might end. My Sammy was able to guess that Mommy squirrel would save the day. Good ol’ Mamas.
2. The illustrations are set up beautifully for counting. Have your toddler or preschooler count the leaves on some pages.
3. A science experiment about why leaves change colour would be a great extension for older preschoolers. And an art extension making a fall tree would be great for any age!
The Best Gift of All is another Johnathan Emmett gem. This one is about a rainy fall week. Mole has been missing his friends, as he has been staying out of the rain, but is lonely so decides to dig his tunnel to see his friend rabbit. Along the way he meets squirrel who had been storing nuts for the winter, and hedgehog who had been building a nest out of dry fall leaves. They both join him on his tunneling adventure to see rabbit. When they arrive, rabbit has the sniffles and is oh so happy to see his friends. This story is a beautiful reminder of being a good, caring friends. It is also a lovely way to talk to young children about what animals are busy doing in the fall to get ready for winter.
Learning Extensions:
1. There is so much wonderful language in this story. Many opposite words are addressed: beneath/above, dry/wet, up/down. This provides a great opportunity to introduce toddlers and preschoolers to these important concepts.
2. This is another wonderful book for predictions. Near the end of the story, Rabbit states, “I wish my friends would drop in” meanwhile the illustration shows dirt rattling above rabbits head from the tunnel mole is digging. This is the perfect opportunity to let your little one predict what is about to happen.
3. Finally, this book is a wonderful way to chat with wee ones about feelings. It provides the perfect opportunity to introduce empathy and discuss how all of the animals were feeling: lonely, sick, busy, and in the end very happy.
Bear Feels Sick written by Karma Wilson is one of my all time favourite Fall Books for toddlers and preschoolers (In fact, I love this whole series). “Alone in his cave as the autumn wind blows, Bear feels achy with a stuffed-up nose” – do you love it yet? I promise this book will not disappointed! It is a beautifully written tale of a bear who has gotten a cold and his friends are trying to make him feel better. It is written so lovely that even the smallest of children can join in. Each friend arrives with something to make bear feel better, but “the bear feels sick” after each attempt. Kids love to join in with that line! It is written in rhyme and ends with, “He tells all his friends, ‘You’ll soon feel like knew. You took care of me … now I’ll take care of you”. LOVE
Learning Extensions:
1. This book is a rhyming book, and offers a wonderful opportunity to rhyme aloud with your wee ones. Pause and let you child try to fill in the rhyming word when reading. Remember, little ones need some time – give them a nice long pause (3 whole seconds) to try the rhyme.
2. This book introduces many forest animals and provides a wonderful extension, or a great hook, into learning about some of these forest friends and what they do to prepare in the fall for the winter.
I hope you give some of the Fall Books a try with your toddler or preschooler. Reading is such a wonderfully important activity for wee ones. And the learning extensions are icing on the cake!
The only thing better then reading in the Fall, is reading in the winter – and that, my friends, will be here before we know it! So we better get to enjoying Fall while we can.
Can you please recommend any Fall Books for Toddlers or Preschoolers?
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