As it turns out, I have an environmentalist in my household. Well into her 12th year, my daughter has become confident in her beliefs. She is also very smart. These two things have led me to learn a lot about environmental concerns – whether I am interested, or not.
Luckily (for me), I am. I have long cared about our Earth, and pride myself in raising little ones who spend far more time outside than in front of screens. But being outside and loving nature, I have learned from my daughter, does not make me an environmentalist.
I would argue that I am raising little ones who love nature, have beautiful memories of being in nature, and therefore are much more likely to advocate for the environment (therefore making me, at least in part, an environmentalist). But my daughter (who I raised and is a self-proclaimed environmentalist … ahem) disagrees.
All of this is simply to say, regardless of my environmentalist status, we have had many discussions lately about what we can do as a family to help the environment.
We try to make and grow our own as much as possible. We buy local very often. We compost and recycle. All good things.
Well, a short while ago my little environmentalist read about clothing. And, truthfully, I had no idea. The chemicals used while farming cotton, the horrendous dyes that make all of our clothing so cheery – well, I will sum up the speech I received from her: it is not good. Not good for the environment, or for the people wearing the clothing.
But around these parts we do not jump full boar into anything – at least not anymore. With a little more experience on my side these days, I did not leap out to purchase brand new wardrobes for my entire family, all organic and naturally dyed. Instead, we committed to a start.
I have learned that we do much better as a family if we start slowly. I don’t feel as overwhelmed, and I am much more likely to stick with things if we begin in a manageable, step-by-step way.
We found a lovely, lovely company: Conscious Clothing. We received a dress from them, made from locally sourced, organically farmed material, and safe, natural dyes.
Conscious Clothing cares about the safety and sustainability of clothing – making this Mama’s job so much easier.
They have beautiful, unique clothing – for women and children.
The clothing is lovingly hand-made, and made to last.
Knowledge is power (and my husband would counter with ignorance is bliss). However, the more I know as a Mama the better informed I am to make decisions for my family.
It is such a relief to know that companies such as Conscious Clothing exist! When my environmentalist was telling me all about the chemical-filled clothing industry, I immediately felt a huge pang of guilt. I had no idea! How terrible! (Oh yes, you can only imagine – we make quite the pair. Luckily John is very level-headed in these situations. He has certainly had some practice.) I was thrilled to find Conscious Clothing and to learn that many people already know what I did not. Many people are already taking strides in improving how clothing is made. And there are amazing companies that are doing amazing things.
So once again I found myself thinking along the lines of when we know better, we do better.
I am so grateful to have Conscious Clothing as a sponsor for How Wee Learn. I am very happy to introduce you to this company, and hopefully to spark some interest in the idea that we, as Mamas, play a very large role in saving the environment.
We have the power to choose organic clothing, clothing that is safe for our children and for their world.
I had a chance to ask Rose from Conscious Clothing a few questions I thought you may be interested in. Here are her answers:
What makes Conscious Clothing unique?
Conscious Clothing is unique because we use only sustainable materials, fabrics, dyes and inks to create our clothing. We hand make each piece for you when you place an order so we can pay attention to each detail and provide high quality, eco friendly clothing. We are a family owned and operated company and we consider our footprint in each step of our business.
Who makes the clothing and how?
I love that we learn so much from our little ones. What an amazing girl you have at such a young age. So cool that she’s already thinking about our impact on the environment. Thanks for the tip to this conscious clothing company. I’m definitely going to check them out!
Thank you so much Giselle – she is something special. Very glad you are going to check out Conscious Clothing, it’s an AMAZING company!
Thanks for sharing about this company! We are on our own ‘green’ journey and it’s good to look ahead and see what choices we may be making down-the-road.
So happy to introduce you Kim. Way to go taking steps towards a greener living – keep it up!!