A photo on Friday.
Did you know that a child’s ability to rhyme in Kindergarten is a direct correlation with his reading success in Grade one? It’s true. So if you are looking to give your little one a leg up on reading, have fun with a rhyme or two.
We practice rhyming mostly through songs, the sillier the better. But sometimes we practice with little games like this one. I grabbed two baskets and popped “Bear” in one basket and “Cow” in the other. I gave Ben a the basket of buttons for tossing. The game is super duper simple. I called out a word and if it rhymed with “cow” he was to toss a button into the cow basket, and if it rhymed with “bear” he tossed it into the bear basket.
Ben loves games like this. Though of course it turned into a run around the basket and drop the button game. Goodness that boy has energy!
Hope you have a lovely weekend friends! Thank you for reading.
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