As the leaves change color and the air grows crisp, it’s the perfect time to embrace the slower pace of autumn with some beautiful woodland craft ideas. From loose-part nature crafts to playful woodland animal masks and puppets, these 15 ideas will connect your little ones with nature while developing their creativity and fine motor skills.
15 Beautiful Woodland Craft Ideas for Kids
Below you will find 15 Beautiful Woodland Craft Ideas for children of all ages—you’ll even be excited to craft right alongside your little ones!
Sensory Owl Art Project – Learn how to draw an owl, then turn it into a sensory art project!
Pinecone Bee Craft – These sweet little bees are one of the handwork projects for mama from my Seasonal Living with Littles resource, but they are just too cute not to include here!
DIY Paper Bag Mushrooms by Barley & Birch – With some brown paper bags, a few sticks, and paint, you can make these adorable mushrooms! They would be perfect for including on a nature table or in a small-world play setup.
Woodland Friends Imaginative Playtime Masks by @thewoodfinch – I love how @thewoodfinch used nature materials to decorate the masks. Little ones can get creative with decorating their woodland masks, and have fun playing with them afterward.
Air Dry Clay Seed Mosaic Craft by Raising Up Wild Things – Working with seeds is wonderful for building fine motor skills! Plus, your little one will also be building hand strength as they mix, smush, and roll out the air dry clay.
Nature Treasure Monarch Caterpillar by @littlestwildlings – Loose part play for the win! Gather some leaves, flowers, and sticks, and have your little one get creative.
Cardboard Woodland Animal Puppets by Toddler at Play – These woodland puppets are so sweet; just look at those little pom pom noses! After creating their puppets, little ones can put on a play or simply get lost in imaginative play.
Cardboard Toadstool Houses by @fraeullein_jasmin – These would make the sweetest little homes for our felt gnomes! Add a battery-powered tealight to the inside and you have the makings for a magical little world.
Magic Forest by Mini Mad Things – All you need is some cardboard, paint, and a pair of scissors to make some fun and colorful scenery for small world play!
Pinecone Moths by Handmade Charlotte – Gah! How sweet are these moths?! Now excuse me for a minute while I head outside to gather a few pinecones…
DIY Nature Crown by Laura Radniecki – My little ones love collecting treasures on our nature walks! This would be a wonderful project for when we get back home.
Fall Leaves Craft by Real Red Riding Hoods – With all of the leaves changing color and falling right now, it’s the perfect time to create some beautiful fall leaf art. I love how children can really get creative with this craft, looking at the colors and shapes of their leaves to create a truly unique picture. It would also be a great lead-in to finding out why leaves change color with this easy science experiment!
Nature Bug Specimen Cards by Unknown – I could not find the creator of these adorable nature bug specimen cards (if they are yours, please let me know!), but I just had to include them. They would look so cute strung up with a piece of twine and some clothespins!
Egg Carton Fox Portrait by RSPCA – I have seen a few of these egg carton animal crafts going around lately, and for good reason—they are brilliant! This fox would be a nice one to start with, as the design is fairly simple, but older children can still get creative with a backdrop.
Rabbit Egg Carton Portraits by Wasfürmich – Last but not least, one more egg carton craft! This site is in German, but the creator, Claudia, has beautiful step-by-step photos that show the entire process.
And there you have it! 15 absolutely beautiful woodland craft ideas. Which one are you most excited to try!?
Before you go, I invite you to check out my Little Woodland Artists resource—available on its own right here or as part of The Everything Kindergarten Bundle:
A beautiful, educational, and playful year of kindergarten!
Learn more about The Everything Kindergarten Bundle:
Thank you so much for reading, my friend!
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