I have decided to start a new series. A series on simple living. A series all about healthy eating, simple eating. A series where I am focusing on myself first, so I can focus on my family better.
Like a lot of Mama’s I know, I have a bad habit of forgetting to take care of myself. I will grab a coffee to make up for a poor night sleep and then stay up late to catch up on work, only to repeat the next day. I will make nutritious lunches for my little ones, only to clean the kitchen and do the dishes while they eat – grabbing a banana to quickly eat when I have a moment. I have not been taking care of myself. I have not been exercising. I have not been eating well, or enough. I have not been taking time for myself. And it is taking it’s toll. I am too busy, I am tired, and I am run down. I go to bed at night with my head swimming – full of things I need to do, want to do, forgot to do. It is time I lead by example for my children. It is time I slow down and take time for myself, without guilt. And here is my plan:
I am going to prioritize my health and well being.
I am going to prioritize healthy meals and healthy food over a clean house.
I am going to take time for myself, every day.
I am going to get proper rest.
I am going to drink water.
I am going to spend quality time with my children, and teach them to find the joy in living simply.
And I am going to start slow.
I would love you to join me on this journey. This journey of finding health and happiness in living simply. In finding joy in simple moments. In re-shaping my priorities and focusing on what is truly important in life.
Every Monday I will share a post in this series, “Healthy, Simple Living”. It will be about simple living and healthy eating. My goal is to inspire and encourage other Mama’s to take time for themselves, and keep priorities on what is truly important. I will share simple ideas that have helped me, encouraged me, and simplified things. I will also be opening up my Facebook page, and the comment section on the blog to you – hoping you will share your simple living ideas, healthy recipes, inspiring quotes, anything.
Some may be wondering how this series is related to this blog. How is living a healthy and simple life related to teaching little ones. Well, I feel we must lead by example. Too many little people are dealing with enormous stress and pressure. Too many young children are dealing with anxiety and depression. Dealing with peers treating them unfairly, bullies, and bullying. If we are to truly address any of these issues, it must first start with the adults in their lives. We must admit our weaknesses and focus on our strengths. We must show little ones that there is no such thing as a perfect life, or a perfect person. We all must find what makes us happy and make choices to be happy.
I can assure you How Wee Learn will remain focused on teaching wee ones. Simple, creative learning activities prepared by a less stressed and happier Mama.
That is so important! I am a day care provider and a member of a day care association that did a continuing education class just on that. You can’t properly take care of little ones, yours or anyone else’s, if you are not feeling the best that you can. How can we get them to be healthy and eat their veggies, get exercise, or whatever else, if we’re not leading by example. Bravo!
Thanks so much Kirsten – and very well put! I had this vision of putting myself last made me a caring Mama. But this is a view I need to readjust. As you say, we must lead these little ones by example. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing any thoughts and ideas you have throughout the series!
Love this! I am at the same point- anxious, run-down, not properly caring for my body and soul. In times of stress, my eating and sleeping patterns are the first to suffer. Glad you are bringing this to light and taking steps to remedy it- a great example for all of us!
Thanks so much Stephanie.
Good for you, Sarah! I have been on a similar journey over the last few weeks and am feeling so much better for it. I’ll be following along and am looking forward to reading your posts in this series.